Easton flanked his jewel-like home with deep loggias featuring wide lattice panel columns and beadboard wood paneling trimmed with traditional crown moldings. The beautifully designed space is conceived as an open-air living room complete with stone flooring, circular windows, and even a wood burning fireplace to snuggle up to on cool nights.

The floor is covered with simple straw matting and the mix of metal and rattan seating features thickly upholstered cushions with coordinating throw blankets and pillows at the ready. The idea of treating the space as an extension of the interior is emphasized by table lamps and even framed pictures on the walls, while the deer antlers over the fireplace lend a cozy hunting lodge feel.

Of course one of the most important aspects of the well appointed porch are plants and flowers and here Easton doesn’t disappoint with masses of potted plants, vines, flowers, and topiaries on every tabletop and even displayed on brackets along the walls. With a porch like this who would ever want to go inside?